The Leader in Aggregate Weight Technology

Target Customer Characteristics

Mining Industry

AXL Eye Allows Customer to Calculate GCWR Upon Entry into Mines.

  • 6,289 sand and gravel mines in US
  • 4,338 stone mines in US

*National Institute for Occupational Health and Safety

Agriculture Industry

Numerous Industry Subsegments (forestry, aquaculture, etc.) and Utilizes Class 7, 8 and 9 Commercial Vehicles and Rail to Move Over 50% of Commodities Produced.

  • 2,019,000 farms in the US as of 2020
  • Primary means of moving product; Trucks and Rail

*US Department of Agriculture

Asphalt Industry

Located in Close Proximity to Mines and Meet All Target Customer Characteristics.

  • The US has approximately 3,500 asphalt production sites
  • The US produces an estimated 350 million metric tons of asphalt per year
  • Asphalt pavement material is a combination of approximately 95 percent stone, sand or gravel

*National Asphalt Pavement Association

Rail Industry

Inspection and Axel Load Calculations to Ensure Safety and Compliance

  • Rail moves 27.9% of freight in the US (second to trucks)
  • 52 percent of rail freight carloads consist of bulk commodities such as agriculture and energy products

*US Department of Transportation
